Thursday, April 15, 2010

Miss Universe Canada 2010 Contestant - Sophie Froment's Photo & Profile/Biodata

Sophie Froment


Sophie Froment is not just your ordinary girl; she is the girl next door. Not only is she beautiful, she's also very smart and funny. Currently studying law school at the University of Ottawa, Sophie barely has time to relax as she is determined not to miss a second of what life has to offer! Not only is she a full-time student, but she works two jobs, and for the fun of it, she also focuses her spare time on acting and modeling!

Busy woman? Yes! She loves staying active but enjoys other people's company more than anything. She will talk about everything, including hot subjects such as political, social, demographic and economic issues. She is very open-minded about everything in this world, but mostly she is compassionate.

Sophie is also a person who is sensitive. She doesn't like to be shaken up, or confronted by other people, because she is the kind of girl who likes to help, to talk things out, and not a kind of short-tempered person who wants to fight.

Sophie is usually smiling, but she's not ashamed to admit she is a very sensitive and stressed person. Even though she handles it well, the way for her to release everything inside is to cry, which she doesn't see as a bad thing, just a way for her to express her emotions and make herself feel better.

Sophie knows how to carry a conversation and make awkward situations less uncomfortable. Why? She likes to talk! She is not a clingy kind of person, but will always bring up a new subject that will start a conversation, or even a debate. She is, after all, an Aries which means she is a determined person with a strong character. Sophie appreciates being heard, and will only talk if she is familiar with the topic, which garners respect and recognition from others. She is not a quitter, and as an Aries likes to get what he wants, so does Sophie. More importantly, Sophie doesn't like taking advantage of people, even if she knows she can.

She's an honest person who always tries to be the best that she can be - which is one of her best qualities. She has learned that to be respected, you have to respect; and to receive, you have to give. She is a generous person who likes to help others; she likes to be nice, and she enjoys taking care of people. It is probably fair to say that she is a "people's person". Sophie is a hard worker, and especially if she likes what she's doing, she'll put all her efforts into it and never give up. She's not perfect, but she is a promising woman and always tries her best!


Are you currently a student?
If yes, where?
Area of study:

Yes, I am currently in law school at the University of Ottawa, my first year

Are you currently employed?
If yes, what is your occupation?

Yes, I work at the national bank of Canada as a teller and at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club, as a waitress

Have you completed secondary school?
If yes, where?

Yes, International program, at high school “De l’Île”

Have you completed university/college?
If yes, where?

I have completed college at “Collège pré-universitaire Nouvelles-Frontières”, private college

Have you completed any technical/professional school?
If yes, where?
What subject?


Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

French and English

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc).


In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport?

Gymnastics for 6 years, and then basketball for 6 years as well.

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received.

Pre-U college, social sciences degree, 2008
Currently attending University of Ottawa, Law School, will graduate in 2012

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?

Neges Foundation, it has its base in New York City and works in Haiti. I have spent a week only in Haiti working at a day camp, teaching kids how to write and speak English/French, also teaching them basketball.

What would be your "dream job" in life?

My dream job would be a combination of everything I want to do in life. There are so many things that I could do and I have to choose one or two, but I could do everything I want, such as practicing as a lawyer, do modeling, acting, play basketball, help other communities, be a hair dresser, etc., that would be great.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why?

Probably my boyfriend. He is very inspiring, his energy and determination deflected on me and it made me realize things and take active steps towards what I wanted to do, or be, etc. He is the kind of person that will never give up, and it made be believe and persevere in anything I want, just the way he does.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition)

Generally, just the successful woman I am today. There is always one or the other path you can choose, and I am proud I was guided towards the right one. I just have a personality of someone who can’t lose, so failure is not really an option for me, and I am proud of being like that, therefore I am definitely proud of who I’ve become.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

I have many. I definitely want to practice as a lawyer; I want to have my own office. Family law is what I’m interested in. I also want to be successful in my acting/modeling career so I am strongly building my portfolio, staying active, meeting people, just going with the flow.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was raised in Gatineau, my home town, with my father, as my mother lived in Montreal. I had a great childhood because I had a great dad who took care of me, raised me well and prepared me for the real world. I have nothing to complain about, except for the fact that my parents have never been together. It doesn’t affect me too much because it’s a reality I don’t know about, but it does generate feelings when I see other people with their reunited family. But everyone can’t get everything they want, can they?

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

Serving rich people! Well, I work at a private golf club where very important people are members. It is very interesting to interact with those people; it’s not every day you will chat with a judge, a famous hockey player, Jean Chrétien, the Japanese emperor, or even someone you don’t know about and is probably a VERY important person. Well I like the job, it’s stimulating. I can’t say much about it, I just live it, and every day comes a new story, a new situation, it’s very challenging, but I love it.

List any volunteering you have done.

I have mostly volunteered for the groups I have been involved with. For example, my gymnastic club, or the basketball organizations. I will be volunteering this summer for a major golf tournament and that will be awesome!

Where is the most interesting place you have been?

Well, I have to say Las Vegas just hypnotized me. I don’t know why, was it the colors, the glamour? I’m not sure, but I just loved everything about that city and I definitely plan on going back to explore what I didn’t get the time to before.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?

I think I have a special power? Just kidding, but people seem to be in love with me for some reason. I’m not talking about romance love, but quite a lot of people will just sense something special in me, and it will attract them to me. They would basically do anything for me, but I assure you I don’t take advantage or anything. But I think there might be something special that people fall in love with, get hypnotized with, and that is probably what makes me unique. By the way I smile and the way I talk, that special thing appears and, it’s me.

What is your philosophy of/in life?

I don’t have a specific one. All I know is that I need to try and do everything I want to do, because I don’t, I might regret in and that will not be a good feeling when I am older. It seems like everything that bothers me, goes right to my heart and it starts beating, at anytime of the day, just like that. Now I know that if this is what happens to me for little things, If I miss out on something important, If I don’t try to make happen what I want to happen for me, then it will definitely physically and psychologically affect me, and I won’t handle that very well. So probably, my philosophy is just that I have to do everything I want to do, and never give up on something I want.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

Traveling, working, raising a family, living my life!

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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