Sunday, April 11, 2010

Miss Universe Canada 2010 Contestant - Belinda Kim's Profile/Biodata & Picture

Belinda Kim


Belinda was born in Edmonton shortly after her parents emigrated from South Korea and moved to Toronto at the age of two. She completed a B.A. in Psychology at York University as well as a joint program in Rehabilitation Services. While pursuing her post-secondary education, Belinda also completed the Can-Fit-Pro, Personal Trainer Specialist Program and became a certified instructor of Power Zen Yoga.

Belinda discovered yoga during her rehabilitation of a herniated disk caused by years of participation in competitive sports. Belinda's dream is to use her training to help others maximize the quality of their lives through exercise, nutrition and positive mindset. Belinda hopes to use the Miss Universe crown as a platform to empower young women around the globe to be powerful, yet selfless leaders through workshops and videos, inspiring them to use their own talents while living a healthy, strong and balanced lifestyle.

Belinda has been featured on City TV, CBC and Much Music and has created fitness programs for companies such as Extreme Fitness, Stratusphere and The Body and Mind Peak Performance Program for Nike. She was also a featured presenter at The 2007 Yoga Conference and 2008 Can-Fit-Pro conference and a fitness judge and guest performer for Fame World Tour and now hopes to be Miss Universe 2010.


Are you currently a student? No, graduated.
If yes, where?
Area of study:

Are you currently employed? Yes.
If yes, what is your occupation?
Master Personal Trainer Specialist and Yoga Teacher

Have you completed secondary school? Yes.
If yes, where? St. Joseph's Morrow Park High School

Have you completed university/college? Yes.
If yes, where? B.A. in Psychology and certification program in Rehabilitation Services at York University, Seneca at York University

Have you completed any technical/professional school? Yes.
If yes, where? Can-Fit-Pro
What subject? Personal Trainer Specialist

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

English and basic Korean language

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc).
Personal Trainer Specialist certifications, Power Zen Yoga Teacher certifications, Coaching 1 &11 certifications, First Aid and CPR, Athletics: Competitive Volleyball and Soccer, Basketball, Track &Field, Cross Country Running, Swimming, Long Jump.

In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport?

Volleyball : 1993-present
Soccer: 1993 - 2001
Basketball: 1993 - 2001
Track and Field: 1992- 2000
Cross Country Running: 1995-2001
Swimming: 1994- 1997
Long Jump: 1993-1998

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received.

York University - B.A. Psychology (as well as a Joint Program in Rehabilitation Services at Seneca at York University, graduate of 2008).
Can-Fit-Pro - Personal Trainer Specialist Certification
Power Zen Yoga Certification
Coaching 1 &11 Certification
First Aid and CPR certification
St. Joseph's Morrow Park High School

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?
1.) Special Olympics - teaching the athletes yoga postures and breathing techniques for optimal performance; assisting the athletes at fundraising events, conducting partner yoga demos with the athletes.

2.) Plan Canada - "Because I am a Girl" campaign is a global movement to claim a brighter and safer future for girls. I have provided contributions and assisted in fundraising events.
3.) Vaughan Health Care Foundation - Conducted yoga warm up for golfers at the annual Vaughan Mayor's (Linda Jackson) Charity Golf Tournament at Copper Creek Golf Club in Kleinburg. The tournament raised approximately $100,000 net for a hospital in Vaughan.
4.) Mount Sanai Hospital - "Yoga in Motion" - Donation provided and instructed yoga class for fundraising event.

What would be your "dream job" in life?

My "dream job" is to be the Oprah of Health and Fitness - one that involves me having my own TV show and workshops and products where I can travel the world where I will be able to inspire and elevate millions of women on a daily basis, by teaching healthy ways of living through proper exercise, balanced nutrition and tools to overcoming daily stressors of life. By using my celebrity status, I can bring about a powerful and positive change globally.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why?

Mother Teresa, although a woman short in statue, was a powerful and selfless leader who used her life and gifts to help the sick and poor. She loved what she did and was driven by her love to aid to the needy. Mother Teresa has always been a role model for me, her passsion for helping those in need, empowers me to do the same. She has proven that as long as your intentions are pure and good, taking what you are good at and love to do will always help to bring a positive change to the people around you.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition)

My most proudest personal accomplishment thus far is sticking to my own gut feeling of living on my own in Toronto when my family moved back to Korea. I learned to finally make the decisions for myself and to do what I felt I had to do, despite knowing that my mother felt differently in which reated distance in my relationship with her. Although, it may have seemed like the tougher way of life, I was determined to make it work as I worked a full time job, while finishing up my University degree and simultaneously building my career as a successful Personal Trainer and Yoga Teacher. I needed to separate myself from my family so I can be who I needed to be. I continued to follow my own gut and because of this, I am proud to say that I am finally doing sometime I love and feel at peace with my life at this point it time. I did it all on my own with the grace of God and am now more confident in my own decision-making.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to be the Oprah of Fitness and Health. Taking into consideration of my own personal experiences of injuries, insecurities and adversities, I am teaching people the tools of optimal health with proper nutrition, exercise and a balanced mindset. I have been a personal trainer and yoga teacher for the past three years within the Toronto area and now hope to reach the global market. My dream is to use the Miss Universe Canada as a platform to host my own videos, workshops and provide healthcare products to inspire and coach women and men to maintain stronger, healthier and more balanced lifestyles.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born in Edmonton, Alb., raised in Toronto, ON. since the age of 3. My childhood envelopes memories of adversities, illnesses, sports and church. I grew up in a very strong Catholic upbringing, where faith and church were instilled in my childhood to get me and my family through our days. My eldest brother Daniel, 33 was diagnosed with a neurological disease called, Tourette Syndrom, which causes him to have uncontrollable tics and outburts of speech, as well as serious case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), which pretty much was the reason of why I never really felt I had a so-called "normal" childhood. It was like walking on egg-shells everyday, hoping nothing would upset my brother.

The slightest change of furniture or a new shirt I bought could agitate him and therefore would yell at me. There were a lot of fighting growing up in my household. My release from the tension at home was my sports. The joy and energy that I got from being active was my solace. As I look back at my childhood, I see the craziness that myself and my family was pushed through and although everyone had a nervous breakdown at some point, we managed to get by. Yesterday made me who I am today. I love my brother and family dearly and am greateful for the life experiences that I endure and will contine to experience. This is why I enjoy helping people and try my best to help people be the best they can and never judge anyone. Everyone has a story and that's what makes us human. Adversities, illness and life-struggles are all there to give us insight. We must take our experiences and grow and help others as well.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
My very first job in highschool was a Shelf Reader at the Public Library, I was so proud to have called that my first job. One job that I had was a turning point in my life and helped give me direction to the path that I should take as a career. I was an Emergency Response Monitor (Operator) for Lifeline, where I answered and resolved calls from clients who were mostly seniors and at risk and unable to live independently. I enjoyed knowing that I could be there to brighten up a senior's day, especially if they had no family members. I was humbled and very sadenned knowing that there are millions of people around the world who have no one to love them and to feel no motive to live. I realized I had a gift of patience and empathy and knew I wanted to elevate people and do a job that allowed me to brighten up people's lives and mindset. So here I am today.

List any volunteering you have done.
I volunteered as a Sports Leader for the youth at my church for two years when I was in highschool; Provided readings and took part in the choir at my church; Patrolled the streets of downown Toronto where I helped package and hand over food to the homeless for over five years; Coordinated "Movie-Night" and "Bingo-Night" for seniors at several Senior Homes in Toronto; instructed yoga and exercise routines to athletes, people with physical and mental disabilties, corporate employers for charity events; Taught life-skills and working-skills to people with physical and mental disabilties; consulted men, women, children, and the injured on proper and safe ways of exericsing and mainting it; guest-speaking at local highschools to discuss how to eat healthy in a a balanced manner.

Where is the most interesting place you have been?
To date, the most interesting place I have been is South Korea. In the smaller cities, such as Nonsan, where my family lives, there is a beautiful cultivation of history in the architecture, agriculture and in the people. For example, the koreans take great pride in maintaining their land, it's beautiful when walking through the streets. There are even exercise machines on the sides of the roads for people to stop and workout! In the mountains, there are also exercise areas and instructions to follow every few miles - this is a buddhist influence.

You cannot help but take the times to appreciate life and the simplicity of life that humans can sometimes forget when living in the busy city-life. It's truly a great escape and a retreat for me. On the contrary, the capital of Korea, Seoul, there is much hustle and bustle and a great influence of the West in the way the city is run. Having been born and raised in Canada, it is a strange sensation that comes over me when I visit Korea, although I should feel like the majority, I feel like a minority in the country or Korea.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?

I strongly believe that there is something unique about the contestants competing for the title of Miss Universe Canada 2010. As for myself, I come with a strong message of health, lifestyle and charity that will impact the lives of women and my fellow contestants for the rest of their lives if they choose to have it. Through my two years of experience in the health and fitness world, my career has boomed tremendously just through my own personal passion and drive to teach the importance of proper exercise, nutrition and stress reduction tools. It's not just having been featured on television shows and newspapers, such as City TV, Much Music and The Toronto Star (to name a few) but it's also a strong feeling that I have discovered wthin myself that I am ready for the next phase, to go global with my message.

My purpose of receiving the title of Miss Universe Canada, is to be more than a pageant queen - I am ready to reach millions around the world, as a representative of Canada to inspire women globally that they can be anything they strive to be, but first focusing on striving to better themselves with their health mentally and physically. Then, every other aspect of their life will follow accordingly. I have lived it and experience it and now, want to help others be the best they can be also.

What is your philosophy of/in life?
My philosphy on life is, make it what you want it to be and "be the change you want to see" (Ghandi). Work hard to be the best you can, and you will be a more fulfilled individual and have more insight to help the people around you. Life is too short so I try to find enjoyement and the positivity in all my experiences. I truly believe that if you always strive to grow as a person, and are constantly seeking to be better, you will find all our answers and help make this world a better place. You can only help others as much as you can help yourself.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

In 10 years, I hope to have accomplished everything I had set to do in my career and be financially free; I would be the host of my own health and fitness television show, selling my own fitness DVDs, book and other lines of products that help others. I also hope to have completed my masters in either Rehabitiation/Physiotherapy/Psychology. In my personal life, I hope to have found the love of my life and have two children by that time, owning my own house and living somewhere warm. I plan on being extremely active and healthy even when I'm 35 and a lot more stable with my life.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? Something unique that has happened to you? Some interesting thing about you?

My fondest memories of a child was when my parents owned a chain of Sweet Factory Stores. My favourite candy was a rocketship- shaped candy on a stick. When I was three, I was jumping on my parent's bed, holding a the rocket-ship candy (this candy is held on a stick and is in the shape of a triangle; it is sticky and gets sharper the more that is licked) and fell off the bed and accidently stabbed myself in the forehead with the candy. I was lucky that I didn't poke out my eye and ended up getting six stitches. This event foreshadows the purpose of life - I am called to deal with injuries and do what I can to keep things sweet and help prevent others from injuring themselves. :)

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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