Sunday, April 11, 2010

Miss Universe Canada 2010 Contestant - Aylar Macky's Profile/Biodata & Picture

Aylar Macky


Aylar Macky is the eldest child of two and was born in Tehran, Iran. At the tender age of nine Aylar got to experience a new culture and a new country. Her family first relocated to Toronto, Ontario and shortly after moved to Calgary, Alberta. Aylar's transition into her new life was an exciting phase, where she quickly excelled in her multicultural environment.

Aylar became fluent in English in addition to Farsi and Turkish. She continues to enhance her language skills by participating in the Explore French Immersion program in Montreal, Quebec and has also enrolled in Italian courses at the University of Calgary.

Aylar is currently a fulltime student at the University of Calgary studying towards a degree in International Business with a minor in Sociology. She hopes this degree will lead her into contributing to the community by working with new immigrants and giving back to the Canadian society.

Aylar is a dedicated athlete and musician. She has played volleyball, soccer, and basketball competitively. Aylar won Best Female Athlete of the Year consecutively for three years as a teenager. She is also a competitive swimmer where she won numerous medals, including a gold medal in a regional competition in Iran. In her spare time she also coaches her younger brother's soccer team. Aylar is also passionate about music and has been playing the piano for 14 years.

Aylar feels extremely privileged to be a part of Miss Universe Canada 2010, and hopes that as a potential title holder she will get the opportunity to bring attention to causes such as human rights violation, school bullying, and children born with AIDS.


Are you currently a student? If yes, where? Area of study:
Yes, I am currently a student at the University of Calgary , studying towards a degree in International Business with a minor in Sociology.

Are you currently employed? If yes, what is your occupation?
Yes, I am currently employed with Scotia Bank as a customer sales representative and a customer support representative.

Have you completed secondary school? If yes, where?
Yes, I obtained my Alberta High School Diploma at the crescent Heights High school in calgary, ab

Have you completed university/college? If yes, where?

No- I will graduate in 2011 from the University of Calgary

Have you completed any technical/professional school? If yes, where? What subject?

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc).
I have been playing the piano for 14 years and counting. until my graduation from high school i obtained dance lessons in hip-hop, jazz, modern and belly dancing to name a few and have done numerous shows in front of many different audiences.

In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport?
I have been involved in sports for as long as I can remember and have participated in a vast spectrum of sports. I have been swimming for 15 years and started playing basket ball, volleyball and soccer on organized sports teams from the age of 11. I have also roller bladed and skied as seasonal sports since I was five years old.

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received.
I obtained an Alberta High School Diploma in June of 2006. I will graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree in International Business and minor in Sociology in 2011. I also attended the Universite de Montreal for a French Immersion program the summer of 2007.

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?
I have supported charities such as Skate for heart, MADD, Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, and Friends of Children of Labour to name a few.

What would be your "dream job" in life?
My dream would be to wake up to something new and different every day. I’m a spontaneous and energetic person and my job would have to be reflective of my personality. I would love to have a job which consists of consecutive traveling and opportunities to interact and meet people of different cultures and backgrounds. With all that being said the main purpose of my “dream” job would have to be to help those in need, whether financially, emotionally or just lending a hand to someone through a tough time, I need to help society to feel happy and fulfilled.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why?
I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by many inspirational people. Its truly difficult for me to narrow it down to one person as every person I have ever encountered and had an opportunity to get to know better has left a piece of them with me to ponder about, and many have inspired me a great deal. I would say the MOST inspirational person in my life would have to be my grandmother. raising 4 kids and caring for her old and sick mother during her younger years, she continued to care for everyone around her even now that’s she is pretty old her self. She thought me to seek happiness through the joy of helping other people, through making some one else's day and simply being there when one needs aid and support the most. It is her who still continues to teach me to love unconditionally, and to give and care endlessly. She continues to be the greatest inspirational person in my life.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition)
My proudest personal accomplishment is disciplining and training my self to wake up every morning with a positive attitude and not allowing anything that has happened the day before or previously to affect a brand new day. I look forward to waking up and experiencing what the day has planned for me, staying positive no matter what life throws my way.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
Besides wanting to travel internationally and being able to give back to society as my main goals in life, i hope that one day I can have, and run my own Café, with a personally inspired menu. a cozy place where diverse individuals can come together to enjoy gourmet coffee and specialty desserts. A place where a student can study, and a couple can enjoy a first date. I am currently putting a recipe book of dessert together and experiment making different coffee drinks on my own time.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
Until I was 9 years old I lived in Tehran, Iran. I had a very peaceful child hood surrounded by family and friends. It was quiet different for me to get used to not having my grandparents, aunts and uncles around after I moved to Canada but I managed to find a balance and fill my life with great friends who are just as important and as close to me as family. Being raised between Iran and Canada gave me my full present personality, to be able to adjust and adapt quickly and learning how to enjoy any stage of life. Horse back riding with my dad and my uncle in Tehran or sledding in Calgary with my friends, I always look back at my childhood and realize how lucky and privileged I have been.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
I regret to admit I have not yet had that one interesting, unusual job. It is something I am constantly searching for but have not been able to find that one job that meets my standards of “unusually”

List any volunteering you have done.
I have volunteered at the Skate for HEart Hockey tournament, and have coached U-4 and U-6 community soccer teams .

Where is the most interesting place you have been?
The most interesting place i have ever been must be my hometown, Calgary. As a Calgary ian , I never know what to expect from the weather. In Calgary we sometimes experience all 4 season in one day. It can go from -10’C in the middle of august to +15’C in the middle of January. Its always a great surprise to wake up and see what its like outside. Rule of thumb for calgary weather to always remember is: always keep a winter jacket and an extra pair of socks in your trunk year round, because you never know when it might snow.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?
I don’t think I know any of the contestants on a level yet to be able to speak about their personalities. But one thing I know for sure that sets me apart from all the other contestants is the fact that I get along with anyone and everyone. I have friends from the age of 4 to the age of one hundred and three. I can interact, communicate and get along with a wide spectrum of people.

What is your philosophy of/in life?
My philosophy in life is to live every moment and if it was yours! Never regret anything you do and enjoy every single moment doing what you love to do!

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?
In 10 years ill be 30 years old and by then I hope to have been married to the man who loves me and who i love the most. I hope to have 2 kids who will take over and become my entire life, my reason to live. and on the side of that I hope that in 10 years time I will finally have my own café to run and expand.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? Something unique that has happened to you? Some interesting thing about you?
I was never a girly girl in junior high and high school. I always had more guy friends than girl friends and still do. In other words during my junior high and high school years I was much of a tomboy. In grade nine I received a silver medal after my best friend at the time beat me to the gold medal in a wrestling tournament. Life has change me so much that its still surprises me but i still remain a fan of different sports, and never limit my choices in life based on gender reasons.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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