Saturday, April 10, 2010

Miss Universe Canada 2010 - Andrea Bennett's Profile/Biodata & Picture

Andrea Bennett


Andrea Bennett embraces individuality, leadership and commitment as she engages in new and exciting life experiences. Her motto is "Believe in Yourself and Make a Difference". Enthusiastic in her pursuits Andrea approaches each and every day, energized and committed to making that difference.

Graduating with an International Baccalaureate, Andrea accepted a scholarship at a renowned Canadian University. She is now pursuing her studies in Honours, Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Biology. Although Andrea is very interested in the sciences, she also has a keen interest in broadcasting and communications. When Andrea is not studying, she is working as a Physiotherapist's assistant.

Interests outside of academia include: skating, swimming, dance, theatre, fashion and modeling. As a competitive figure skater, Andrea pursued her interest over the years with great enthusiasm, winning individual medals; later developing an interest in dance, she moved on to become a member of award winning dance teams. She enjoys swimming and will soon complete her certification as an LSS swimming instructor.

Andrea's keen interest in volunteerism and giving back to the community has her investing her time in a variety of important causes, including fundraisers that supported: the Champions of Children and Thirteen Strings Orchestra, Unite for Children Against Aids Campaign and Cornerstone Shelter.

In 2009, as Miss Teen Eastern Ontario-Canada, Andrea volunteered in fundraisers that supported the Roger's House; the University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Muscular Dystrophy of Canada; the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation; and other worthwhile charities. She also hosted a golf tournament fundraiser in support of "Free the Children", Miss Teen Canada-World's Charity of Choice.

Andrea sees herself as an ambassador of change and betterment and knows that she can "Make a Difference"!


Are you currently a student?

If yes, where? Yes. In Ontario.
Area of study: Honours Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Biology

Are you currently employed? Yes, Part-time
If yes, what is your occupation? Physiotherapist’s Assistant

Have you completed secondary school? Yes
If yes, where? Ontario High School

Have you completed university/college? No

In 2nd year of studies.

If yes, where?


Have you completed any technical/professional school?
If yes, where?


What subject?

Languages spoken fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

English, French

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc).

Dance, Figure Skating, Modeling, Swimming

In what sports, if any, have you participated and how long have you participated in each sport?

Sports that I have participated in during my high school years include:

Soccer 2yrs
Swimming 4 yrs
Volleyball 2 yrs

Dance – 10 years
Skating – younger years - 8 yrs

Please list any schools and universities (public/private/graduate/trade or technical) you have or are attending, as well as the area of study, graduation date and any degree or certification you received.

Ontario University
Honours Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Biology Program

International Baccalaureate
High School

What charity/charities have you supported with your time and/or resources over past two years?

Free the Children, CHEO, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, National Capital Region, Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre, Muscular Dystrophy Canada-Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, Roger’s House,
Champions for Children Foundation, Thirteen Strings Junior Orchestra and
Unite for Children Against AIDS Campaign.

What would be your "dream job" in life?

My dream job would be to host a talk show or be a TV anchor on a popular broadcast; similar to the Today show on MNBC. Although I love the sciences, I think my strengths including: presentation skills can lend themselves well to a career in this field. I think it would be an exciting career that would satisfy my interest in networking, social interaction, broadcasting, presentations, interviews, journalism, travel and so much more.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life? Why?

A person I consider influential in today’s society is Oprah Winfrey. A talk show host, movie star, philanthropist, producer, television program creator and so much more; she came from humble beginnings and is making a difference. She encountered hardships in her childhood and overcame them and today is helping through her donations, foundations, and awareness building.

What is the proudest personal accomplishment (other than being in this or any other beauty pageant competition)

My proudest accomplishments are:

  • International Baccalaureate
  • receiving a scholarship to attend a renowned Ontario University
  • being accepted into the Science program at an Ontario University
  • making a difference and raising funds for numerous charities
  • winning Miss Teen Eastern Ontario-World
  • being interviewed by CTV, A-Channel for Miss Teen Eastern Ontario-World
  • being interviewed by CTV and A-Channel, CBC for the Viennese Ball fundraiser
  • dancing in American Dance Awards competition
  • receiving my Life Saving Society Assistant Instructor certificate, Bronze Cross, Bronze Medallion

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to pursue employment in the field of science. I have a keen interest in this field and considering employment possibilities in areas including: neurology, obstetrics, orthodontics etc. I have yet to confirm the specific field.

In addition, I am interested in communications and broadcasting. My natural aptitudes lend themselves well to studies and work in this field.

I am currently pursuing a degree in sciences and communications.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born and raised in Ottawa. I had an interesting childhood, full of social interaction, friendships and learning. I had the opportunity to travel very early in life since my parents love to travel and would never leave me behind. So at an early age, I traveled to places in Canada and abroad. My social networks were large since I belonged to play groups, was involved in neighbourhood friendships, school activities, dance and skating competitive teams.

I have fond memories of a lot of gatherings, social functions and activity. Family and friends were a major part of my life.

Learning and experience was a big part of my childhood. I had the opportunity, daily, to explore and grow academically. I feel that the combination of these childhood experiences makes me who I am, today.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

Interesting and unusual jobs would include my current position as a Physiotherapist’s Assistant. Learning about the human body and the latest technologies and remedies available to help cure injuries and ailments is very interesting. Using technology and techniques and witnessing the positive results peaks greater interest in the sciences and the latest technological and medical advancements.

Also, the social interaction when working with clients is a great experience. I meet all kinds of very interesting people of all age groups.

List any volunteering you have done.

Over the last several years I have had an opportunity to volunteer for many causes. My latest volunteer efforts involved hosting a golf tournament in support of “Free the Children” the Miss Teen Canada-World’s Charity of choice. I had a great turn out with family and friends supporting the cause.

As Miss Teen Eastern Ontario-World, I also participated in the Hope Volleyball Summerfest. I was stationed at the front gates as “Miss Meet and Greet”. Funds raised at this event were donated to a number of organizations including: University of Ottawa Heart Institute, National Capital Region, Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre, Muscular Dystrophy Canada-Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation and the list goes on.

I volunteered for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Teddy Bear Picnic, also greeting attendees at the front gates; I helped inform guests of the day’s activities and directed them to the various stations. This summer family party, held annually for 26 years is just one way that the CHEO foundation says thank you to the community for its incredible support.

Walk, Roll and Run for Roger’s House was yet another fundraiser that I participated in, running the 5Km helped raise funds for Roger’s House, a pediatric palliative care facility.

In addition to the fund raisers mentioned above, I volunteered for:

  • The Viennese Ball – funds raised donated to Champions for Children Foundation and Thirteen Strings Junior Orchestra.
  • Richard Robinson Grande Premiere Fashion Show 2009
  • Blanche Fundraiser 2008
  • A Fashion Statement 2007 – Funds raised donated to support a student bursary.
  • Alumni reunion events 2007
  • Governor’s Ball 2007 –
  • Rouge Fundraiser 2006 – Funds raised donated to Unite for Children Against AIDS campaign.

Where is the most interesting place you have been?

I have traveled quite a bit in my life time. One very interesting place I visited during my travels was Costa Rica. The lush country of Costa Rica has expansive jungles filled with vegetation and wildlife. My excursion took me into the deep dark jungles of Costa Rica where I learned about all the poisonous plants and animals. Little red frogs and large leafed vegetation surrounded us and I listened to learn that in fact both plants and animal could be deadly. Interesting was the idea that the deadly plants can be used for medicinal purposes if properly applied. Our journeys did not end in the jungles, we traveled to the banana plantations, visited the sloths (shy creatures that live in the trees of Costa Rica) and visited the small villages scattered throughout.

Interesting facts learned on my journeys to Costa Rica included:

  • Health care is covered for everyone. Even if I got injured I would be covered under their health care program.
  • Education is provided equally to everyone. The same education is provided for those in the jungles as the children in the city. A standardized test is administered to ensure equal education for everyone.
  • Public transportation is endorsed and supported.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?

What makes me unique and different is that my life experiences have molded me into the person I am, today. Everyone is made up of a different composition that addresses individual talent, experiences, knowledge and morals.

I think I can be best described as a person who is caring, generous; someone who really wants to make a difference. I have contributed a lot of my time to volunteering for causes that I feel are important. I truly do care about the hardships and experiences of others in our society. I know that I can help if I put my mind to it and I am given the opportunity. My skill sets derived from experiences such as hosting a fundraiser in support of Free the Children can lend themselves well to future endeavours that would help those most in need.

I am also very curious and interested in learning and growing as an individual. I love to be with people and feel that I am very social, love to network, energetic and inspired by the world around me. I am fuelled by my interactions and my

connections. I enjoy being centre stage, adapting well to situations that require presentation and speaking opportunities.

I believe my academic pursuits allow me to view the world in a whole different light. Knowledge and interest helps inspire me to make that effort and lend a helping hand.

My travels have made me into an individual that loves adventure, loves to learn and sees the world up close and personal.

What is your philosophy of/in life?

Believe in Yourself and Make a Difference.

My philosophy in life is that first and foremost you must believe in yourself. Know your potential, your abilities and how you can affect each and every thing you do, in your daily life. You can have an impact and make that difference in society. Know it, own it and help implement change making this world a better place to live in.

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

In 10 years, I would like to be employed in the profession of choice. Experience the successes of being a valued member of the community, workforce, family and my peer groups. I would like to be a person recognized for my efforts and work in my field, in the voluntary sector and in the home. I would like to be traveling more than ever and experience greater personal growth.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? Something unique that has happened to you? Some interesting thing about you?

An interesting thing about me is that I love music. Music and dance inspire me and in my saddest moments can change my whole perspective and attitude on life.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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